Beautiful We Are


I am a lover of natural beauty. So most of the time I don’t wear make up. My go to morning routine only consists of washing my face with something as natural as possible and applying a gentle cream or moisturizer of some sort. But every once in awhile I like to have a little fun and wear make up for no reason really. I do not think make up itself is bad I just don’t believe I need it to be beautiful.

My grandmother told me told me something that has stayed with me my whole entire life. She was an older women that when you met her and found out her age you would have never believed it. She didn’t look her age at all. After hearing a few of my friends ask the same question, I decided to get an answer. I asked her “How do you stay looking so young?” She said “I don’t wear make up and I take care of my skin.” From that day on I decided that was exactly what I would do.

When I was in my young 20’s I always heard women older than me say the darndest things! I would see a women one day at church and comment how beautiful she looked. I would immediately get these responses:

“Oh I haven’t put my make up on yet. I look horrible!”

“Well you know its all about good make up! You would not believe what I look like without it on!”

“Well you know I can’t leave the house without my face on!”

I never knew if they had make up on or not. I just saw a beautiful women before me. And true to my heart when I see something beautful I say something. When hearing these comments though it always broke my heart. Not one time did a women just say “Thank you.” They always in some way or another added something negative to take away from the positive I just gave them.

What my grandmother told me was not the only thing I carried with me about beauty my entire life. The Holy Spirit also gave me a word when I was a young teen. I believe the comparing and insecurity starts to comes full circle when middle school starts. Sometimes I would worry so much about what I looked like and scared someone might see if I was not well put together. One day I was looking in my mirror, just staring out myself for no reason, yes I was weird… and the Holy Spirit said to me “It does not matter what someone says or thinks about you. All that matters is what you think about yourself.”

So when those women said that about themselves it was a reminder of what God has told me. It hurt my heart but also created a passion to want to spread the truth of what beauty really was. This is why I created this section. It is not about natural make up or natural products. Although there will be times I post about such things. It is about spreading a truth that has been in my heart since I was a little girl. No matter what, you are beautiful the way you are.

There is no need to create yourself  beautiful or enhance your beauty because you are the very word itself. Beautifully made, loved and created. I will be having fun trying all the things to write reviews on! But more importantly my hope is this part of my blog spreads a passion for the women of this world to just love themselves how God has made them. In every season of their lives.



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