Season 2 Episode 8 | The Culture Of Mental Illness

Our culture today normalizes mental illness instead of trying to help people be healed and free from it. It’s despicable how people are now more interested in the destruction of society for their own gain. These people DO NOT care about us! They want nothing more for us to be so deprived and sick that we cannot stand up and fight back against what they are pushing But I say enough! Today I am sharing for the first time my mental illness story and my deliverance. This is such a powerful story that I hope with all my heart helps many people. Understand that God is a deliverer, a healing and a chain breaker! You don’t have to live in those chains all of your life and I hope that one day you will also have a deliverance story. Let’s normalize healing, peace and power of the Holy Spirit!

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Season 2 Episode 7 | Allies & Offense

This is the second episode on racism from a different angle. Police brutality and the projection of so called “allies” in media and entertainment. I share my experiences with racism today and I share a book that I hope will help people stop carrying around offense. The rise of racism in this country angers me. But I am trying to bring truth to the table so that my discernment stays in the forefront of my mind and I have hopes that by sharing my stories with you that it will help you also do the same. I want to shed some light from someone who has experienced and is still experiencing it and how it has affected me in some areas of my life but also give a warning of what carrying offense could do to someone. I have experienced the ugly sides of racism but I also refuse to allow anyone to stop me from living my life and doing the will of God. And instead of teaching my children to live in fear, I raise them in awareness as well as compassion and never from a fear filled worldview. We are repeating history all because we don’t want to change our ways and we listen too much to the media instead of just getting out there trying to understand one another and remember our history. The best thing we can do as Americans is turn off the news and start getting our understanding from real life experiences with one another. I hope this blesses you.

Watch On Rumble

Season 2 Episode 6 | Don’t Reject Self Love

I’m late on posting this here! It’s been a busy weekend for me. We went to yard sales to buy things for the opening of Victoria’s Chest’s brick and mortar so I completely forgot to schedule this post! The first of the final 3 episodes is now up to listen on Anchor and Rumble. I made some changes to this episode visually and also decided to take another course instead of the original plans for the episode. Many public figure Christians are coming out against the idea of self love. But are they correct in doing so or do they not understand what it really means to love yourself? These are my thoughts on it coming from a Biblical standpoint.

The last two episodes will be:

“Allies” and Offense

The Culture Of Mental Illness

What Pregnancy Centers Actually Do

This Monday instead of sharing my next episode for Christ & Culture I am sharing a video that I just made giving real facts about what the pregnancy center I volunteer for actually does. From my research, this is what a lot of pregnancy centers do around the country. Many people are not fully informed on what it is that we do and therefore there is a lot of misinformation that create confusion and fear in women and men. Unfortunately many who need what these centers offer don’t reach out it because of being told false information about how we operate. The good news is the community that my center is in is starting to understand what it is that we actually do because of us reaching out to the community and educating people on what we do. The growing interest to get involved is inspirational and now more referrals being made to our center. Knowledge is truly power so please share it with others. You never know who it may come by that really needs to hear it! Click the image to watch below!

The Culture & Christ Series will return next Monday!

Season 2 Episode 5 |Think Woman Think #prochoices

What if we were honest with each other? Woman to woman? How much would our lives be better would have changed. In today’s episode we are going to talk about the life choices of a woman. I find all too often that those who call themselves pro choice hate it when you tell woman to make better choices. But I don’t hate you ladies, I love you so I’m going to be sharing with you how to make better life choices from your youth and at any moment during your life.

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Listen on Anchor:

Season 2 Episode 4 | Love is Not Love

In these times there are many sayings that are becoming popular even among so called Christians and this one is one of the worst of them. Back in 2018 I watched as independent journalist interview people on the streets of L.A about what they mean by the phrase love is love” and I was shocked to hear some of the responses. Some of it was down right up the alley of child predatory ideology. As each person or couple answered it became clear to me that this phrase is very much meant to devalue real love and how we are to operate in it. So in today’s episode I talk about why it’s important for us as Christians to go only off the Bible’s truth of love and how sometimes that phrase also is just another way to hide our sin and get others to agree with it. This is from a biblical perspective!

Season 2 Episode 4 Calling The Zygote

I hope everyone had an awesome Independence/ 4th of July last Monday! I don’t care what anyone says, I’m proud to be free and bleed red, white and blue! My prayers and thoughts are with every baby that may not know that freedom from no choice of their own! And I am hoping that Kentuckians will rise above the injustices. win the battles of inequities and when the war of hatred here in this state so that we can be a beacon of hope and a safe place for every human life!

Episode 3 is now up on Rumble and anchor. I discuss: does life begins at first breath, conception or even before that? Let’s talk about what the Bible actually says about when life begins.

Listen In on Anchor:

Season 2 Episode 2 | One Church One Race

A new day brings new Joy! I’m sure you all know by now that Roe v Wade has been overturned! Let us celebrate but also remember that there is still more work to do in our communities. If anything we need more people to spread the truth of the dangers of abortion and the abundance that comes with choosing life for their children!

In today’s episode I am talking about what it means to be the true church and why we need to leave behind our denominational beliefs and live in faith on biblical truth only. We touch base on the first part or race in this season and we talk more about it later in the podcast. There is a trend concerning race I’m un happy about. Despite many efforts from the Christian community and conservatives to be color blind, people are allowing their race to be the forefront of their identity.

Click the links or photos below to watch or listen in!

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Click to follow the podcast on Anchor!
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Introducing Season 2 | Christ & Culture

For those of you who were listening in on my podcast waiting for the next season, I’m the worst I know! I left you guys hanging and I apologize. But I’ve had a lot on my plate but as always I come back whenever the Spirit wills me. I have been done , filming and schedule out episodes for this season. The first episode just came out today! I’m super excited to share with you what I have been working on. I found a way to record and film at the same time so now you can listen in or watch every Monday at 10:00am. This season I am diving even deeper into topics concerning some things in culture I was not ready to speak on in the last episodes. I am stepping out in the strength of God to just be real and honest concerning these realities of what we are going through in the current culture. The first two episodes alone were a big step for me. People need to know that God is a real God. My constant hope for my ministry is that I may be witness to you that God is not afraid of your imperfections. That He is faithful to those who choose him, those who love them He draws near to.

There will be 8 episodes this season! here’s the list of topics:

Here are the links to both platforms to tune in:

Every week I will be posting here with the links to both the podcast and the videos. As always I hope you were blessed!

Your sister in Christ

Johnnatta Giles

The Work & The War Of My Time

Well I have some exciting news to share! I have began to work with an organization called CareNet Pregnancy Services here in Kentucky. When I was pregnant with Victoria I had this growing hunger to get more involved with the pro life movement. That was God sowing in my heart desires I never thought I would want. After all, It was only a few years ago I was pro choice myself even while being Christian because of not knowing the fullness of what abortion was. I have been mentoring women in crises pregnancies for almost two months now! This was something I went fuller into detail on my channel on Rumble. I was honored to attend their banquet earlier this month for their ultrasound machine fundraising and I got to all about their efforts and future plans for the organization. God is truly doing amazing work through them.

Today I spoke for the first time at a church who humbly invited volunteers of CareNet to speak for their baby bottle campaign they are doing here in Northern Kentucky. I want to share with you my speech so you can see a small bit of the work CareNet does and also my heart concerning these things. Often I have say this will be the work of my time and the war I will happily fight. We are living in an historical moment no matter where your stance is on abortion and I hope that WordPress does not hinder me from continuing to speak freely on this issue. I say that because I have been censored and targeted by certain social media companies. I aim to only share my work and not to harass anyone. I hope this speech blesses you!

Me Attending CareNet’s Ultrasound Banquet

Good morning! I wanted to first say thank you for having me! I’m so very grateful for the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of CareNet Pregnancy Centers of Northern Kentucky

 My name is Johnnatta Giles, I’m a mom of 5 and I’ve been married to my husband James Giles for almost 10 years now. I serve as a volunteer mentor to women in crisis pregnancies at CareNet Pregnancy Services in Williamstown Kentucky. I want to tell you a little about me. My mother was an addict. Yet she gave me life. When I was 3, I was put into foster care because of her neglect due to her illnesses and later adopted out of the foster care system.

 I am grateful everyday that she let me go so I could one day grow up and make a life for myself. Many women face hopelessness like my mother and what I do is carry my story and give them what my mother never had. Not only do we encourage women to choose life, but we help them live abundantly. It is a humbling honor to serve them.

The lives of more than 2,300 precious babies hang in the balance every day because women and men facing an unintended pregnancy think abortion is their best option. The pro-abortion culture denies the sanctity of life and works hard to normalize abortion. They promise abortion is “safe and easy.”  But in reality there is no such thing as a safe abortion. The method they push the hardest is also the easiest to get—the abortion pill. 

In 2020, the abortion pill accounted for nearly 54% of all abortions. The FDA allows abortion pills to be shipped straight to home addresses in states where it’s legal. They don’t even require a physical exam, let alone that a doctor be present during the abortion. That puts women at risk. 

Not long ago, a young woman who thought she was only a few weeks pregnant came to Care Net. The abortion pill is aggressively targeted to women like her—those thinking about abortion and no more than 10 weeks’ pregnant. 

We thank God that she came to Care Net for an ultrasound—she was actually almost four months along. 

Women and their partners need to know the truth about the humanity of their babies. They deserve to know the truth about abortion. Our greatest tool to change the mind of a mother or father at risk for abortion is the ultrasound. 

Ultrasounds not only date the gestational age of the pregnancy; it also confirms the unmistakable proof of human life. Since we began offering ultrasounds in 2006, more than 1,351 babies have been saved—208 last year alone. We’re able to offer more than 100 ultrasound appointments every month. Calls to our helpline are answered live by our staff 24 hours a day.

All three of our locations—in Florence, Cold Spring and Williamstown—offer pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and education on all of their options. We follow up with material help and mentoring by trained volunteers in 21 educational programs. Last year moms and dads who desired to become great parents attended more than 2,000 parenting and education classes. Some of them break generations of poor parenting and lead their young families in entirely new, healthy directions. Glory to God!

All these life-changing services are free because people like you support pro-life efforts like the baby bottle campaign your church is participating in now.

To fight the abortion industry head-on in the marketplace, we have begun buying online advertising. Our ads are reaching more abortion-minded clients than ever, and still over 87% who see their babies by ultrasound choose life. We thank God for this success and are expanding our medical staff so more babies can be saved. 

The Supreme Court could very soon rule on Roe v. Wade. This ruling could give the states back their authority to regulate abortion. Right now there are already states that can abort a child up to 9 months. The fight to save these babies’ lives and give their mothers and fathers hope will only increase. 

Pregnancy centers are being targeted and vandalized ever since the supreme court draft leak. We need the support of Christian communities and churches as we continue the work that God has called us to. Saving lives. Women could potentially run from state to state to access abortion but also order the abortion pill online putting them in even more danger than ever before. We must be ready to help these women and we ask you to help us be ready! 

Please pick up a baby bottle today and fill it with coins, bills or checks. Use it to start pro-life discussions with your children, too. Then return your bottles to church on your collection day. You can also give online at

As more clients come, we also need more volunteer advocates and mentors. In each bottle is a card you can return to let us know if you’d like to volunteer. If you own a business and want to stand for life by sponsoring an event, please let us know!

On behalf of Care Net’s board, staff and volunteers, and especially on behalf of those we serve, thank you for participating in this Baby Bottle Campaign. We are deeply grateful for your support. Thank you, and God bless you!