Season 2 Episode 8 | The Culture Of Mental Illness

Our culture today normalizes mental illness instead of trying to help people be healed and free from it. It’s despicable how people are now more interested in the destruction of society for their own gain. These people DO NOT care about us! They want nothing more for us to be so deprived and sick that we cannot stand up and fight back against what they are pushing But I say enough! Today I am sharing for the first time my mental illness story and my deliverance. This is such a powerful story that I hope with all my heart helps many people. Understand that God is a deliverer, a healing and a chain breaker! You don’t have to live in those chains all of your life and I hope that one day you will also have a deliverance story. Let’s normalize healing, peace and power of the Holy Spirit!

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Season 2 Episode 2 | One Church One Race

A new day brings new Joy! I’m sure you all know by now that Roe v Wade has been overturned! Let us celebrate but also remember that there is still more work to do in our communities. If anything we need more people to spread the truth of the dangers of abortion and the abundance that comes with choosing life for their children!

In today’s episode I am talking about what it means to be the true church and why we need to leave behind our denominational beliefs and live in faith on biblical truth only. We touch base on the first part or race in this season and we talk more about it later in the podcast. There is a trend concerning race I’m un happy about. Despite many efforts from the Christian community and conservatives to be color blind, people are allowing their race to be the forefront of their identity.

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Psalms of My Heart


What do you do with relationships that are estranged? Will there be reconciliation? Will there ever be peace between you? What can you do when you have hurt another sister or brother in Christ? Can they forgive you? Can you forgive them? I have had my share of those situations. I look back and see how much I have changed even in the pain of it all. Walking through that fire I have learned something so profound. These situations are never easy. It takes the directing of the Holy Spirit for reconciliation. And it takes forgiveness and change in order to grow in any relationship. Some relationship doors close forever and sometimes you know right away what relationships those are. Some never close and you grow together even in pain, despite the past. Those are the refining moments for a better future. At the end of the day only the Lord can tell you what He wants for the both of you or all of you. Because He loves you all and knows what you need to grow closer to Him and become who He has made you to be.

  Let them Speak, Let them Walk

If anyone has something to say

Let them come

Let them speak

Maybe we can change

Maybe we can grow

Let me ask for forgiveness

Let us seek truth

Hope in the Future

Hope in the tomorrow

Let there be better days

Let love overcome pain

If anyone refuses the Light

Let them walk

Let the door close

There can be peace

There can be rest

Let me let them go

Let me forgive and move on

Hope in the King

Hope in a better me

Let there be freedom

Let love remain in me

May God be with you in every area of your life. May His voice guide every relationship in your present and the future. Seek His truth. There is nothing too hard for Him to do. No matter your pain, confusion, anger or guilt there is and will be healing in Him. He will restore and He will make all things New.

Life Updates


Fall is finally here! But it still doesn’t feel like it here in Kentucky yet. Mother Earth what’s going on with you this year? I’m so confused!

How I feel about fall is exactly how I feel on the inside these days. I see what’s happening around me I can even outwardly feel it but I still don’t understand it and I don’t know how to feel about it.  I took a break by the leading of the Holy Spirit. He had something to say to me and needed me to sit still in order for me to receive it. I struggled to obey but the Spirit in me that wants nothing more than to hear from my God won over my defiant flesh. With a violent past like mine, it takes years to get on the path of deliverance and standing in the season of healing and The New. I am now standing in The New but it doesn’t feel like it. Have you ever been where I am?

Your past has always been apart of who you thought you were. You wore your pain as your identity. Thinking you would never be truly free of the demons that haunt in the night and stalk in the day. So you embraced it and told yourself “It’s just who I am.” But here you stand now on brink of freedom, in a new place and a new you. The old cannot come. It shall not enter here! But you can’t see how what you were will never be who you are becoming. It’s hard to see yourself a fully NEW creature. Your Mind just cant umderstand it but your heart knows…it knows your exactly where your supposed to be.


Guys I tell you the truth….. I have recently stood back, looked at myself and thought who is that? I don’t know her. I have always been a person afraid of the unknown but I am realizing more than ever in this season of my life that the unknown is exactly what I want. No matter how uncomfortable it makes me. I may not understand myself like I used to or know myself like I once did but this is exactly where I want to go.

In the Freedom of The Unknown there awaits Adventure and The New.

I will forever be that curious girl with the big brown eyes venturing into the very thing that scares me just find out whats there. And it will be for the better for me. Because It’s a place my Creator designed for me to walk into.

It’s strange…. but it’s SOOO GOOD! I hope if you are where I am, you will follow the Holy Spirit’s breadcrumbs so you may be lead to the bread. The feast! The New!

My Season: Destiny



I have this thing about windows. All my life I have grown up looking out of them. Dreaming hoping and wondering about the world beyond them. They have been a place to cry, to think, to pray, to dream of my future. I remember having a very hard time envisioning my future. I had so many things I wanted to do with my life and the first was to escape the house I was in. But then what? What was the plan after I ran away? Was there more to life than just survival? All I knew was how to stay alive and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to on the streets.

I never really thought there was much for me beyond just staying alive and loving God. I told God when I was a teen that if His love was all that I had that would be enough for me. If I suffered my entire life and knew He loved me I could survive. It was His love that kept me alive all those years and it would be His love that would continue to do so. But my “plan” was not His plan at all.

I may have thought I was born to suffer but I always knew I was meant to do something powerful one day. I just didn’t know how or what that was. And It didn’t matter at one point because I didn’t believe I could do it even if I figured it out. I could have never  known the hell I would have to walk through would be apart of that call. Honestly if I would have known back then what was coming ahead in order for me to get to the place I am now, I would have ran full speed away from that path and onto the easier option. And who knows where that would have lead me?

For 8 years I have been on a journey leading to my destiny. And I can honestly say I have not reached my full potential in my character to step fully into the Call on my life. I am in a season of  learning to submit my flesh to the Holy Spirit. To surrender my will and allow the Lord to guide me. I feel like I am going through things I already went through years ago. There are times where I get so annoyed and think “Seriously? Have I not already surrendered that to God?” In those moments I feel like I am wasting time on things that I should already have moved on from. But I am seeing that old wisdom can look different with new realities.

One of those things I’m struggling with questioning if what I am doing is God’s will when I have been told time and time again it is by Him. I have seen what happens when I give just a piece of this thing away. The Glory for Him that comes from it. It is undeniable. I worry that the Lord will get tired of my questioning and doubting. But I am so glad He is patient with me because I need a lot of pushing right now.

I am really needing reminders of why I am doing the things I am doing. And God knows exactly what I need before I do.

As I was watching my husband ‘s and I’s favorite show “The Flash” one of the Characters said something that sparked life into me. She said;

“You know what makes a great speedster? It isn’t their speed. It’s being the light that everyone needs when the world goes dark. It’s the kind of person they are. The kind of person that always wants to help. ” 

That reminded me before I even knew me He knew me. And this call was placed on the inside me. It’s apart of who I am not some thing I just picked up on the side of the road one day. I have been walking toward this for 8 years through the guiding of the Holy Spirit. So now I am in the season of praying for the courage to continue forth.

It takes courage to stand and speak when you don’t think anyone is listening. To leave everything and everyone you know in order to follow Jesus fully. It takes courage to walk where no one else is walking. It takes courage to stand in the gap and when the heavens ask “Who will go forth” you say “Here I am. I will Lord.” He is working on me even in the toughest times.

And even when I want to give up for no apparent reason He is faithful to bring people across my path to get me moving and keep me walking forward. So here I am  Lord. Arms open giving you my life so I may keep it! There is no peace without you and you are everything I will ever need. May all those who seek truth find it through me pointing them directly to You. The King of Kings and God of all. El Shaddai may YOU be glorified forever. Amen.

Do you feel the same? If so know I get it. It can be hard when you know you hold something powerful but don’t know how or when you will release it to those who need it. On the road you grow weary, confused, doubtful, fearful and insecure. But none of that will change this fact:

You were made for such a time as this and He is so much more than all of this. You were born with those gifts rather you use them or not. But He will guide all things for His Glory. All you have to do is say:

Here I am. Yes I will.




Yes I know I have been absent on here. But only for a little bit.. just a little bit.  Aside from the fact I have a family to raise and Co-Lead, there have been things I have been working on that I have not talked about.. until now. As you will find out the more you get to know me I am a women that wears many many hats.  As you have read in my previous post there is so much on my heart. But I have learned the art of contentment and building. 

Building…. Yes that has been the Word for this season of my life.

The Lord and I are building on the call of my life. He, laying down the foundation, paving the way ahead, and cheering me on. And I am being faithful and obedient in placing the bricks in the areas He directs me to. So in time I may walk fully in this magnificent ministry He has designed in me to bring to the World. Many nights I have prayed for the peace of God and called upon the wisdom of rest while laying in my Fathers lap. His love washes over me and He works even as I sleep. My mornings are filled with praise for a new day ahead of me. I know that I will find every tool, every stone I need waiting for me to get to work on this beautiful thing that for now is His and mine alone.

For the first time ever I am now going to reveal to you what I have been working on. I feel it’s time. There are hints in here but not everything will be revealed. This is what the Holy Spirit has directed me to share:

The Book is Coming

I have finally started the editing of “the book”. I have a goal to when I want the editing to be done so it can be sent in to be published. This book carries my heart, spirit and soul. Tears are still being shed as I edit.  For a while I was so afraid to send it out into the world. Afraid the wolves my rip it apart. But who are they? And this story is not my own. How can I hoard something that has never belonged to me? It would be utterly selfish. The cover is done and my heart sings every time I set my eyes on it. For the longest time I had no idea what to do about the cover. Until Rebecca came :). I am amazed at the work I have done through the Lord and how He took care of it all. My very first creation will be such a huge part of my heart. Glory to God for what He has done and what He will do through it!

I’m starting a YouTube Channel.

If any of you have followed me from my previous channel or my previous blog from blogger you know I used to have one. This one will be very different! I had no idea the Lord would call me back on there in the first place. I thought I was done. But it makes complete sense now why last year I started working on it again. The things that the Lord has done I could have never came up with myself. I am so excited for the opportunity to know even more of you out there and share with you some major parts of my life. All for the Glory of God. Because guys I was so okay with just this corner on the internet, even Instagram was His idea. But I do it for all of you. The channel itself will not be active until after the book is ready to be sent into the publishers. I hope to hear from you guys over there when it does!

Now that you know, I will be updating on these things as this year finishes up. Things are evolving in so many areas of my life each month. And with fall harvest, canning season and homeschooling starting up, I have got to get BUSY. I know the Lord will lead me as He has been. I am always amazed at the things I get done. But I know I can’t do anything apart from Him and I can do all things in Him.

Write soon. God bless you guys.




The difference Between Soul Oneness and Spirit oneness Part 2



I want to share with you a few paragraphs from the book ‘The Marriage Builder” I think It’s important to put these before I move on and show you the example of these truths in my own marriage and what God has done with us in knowing them.

“In explaining Spirit Oneness, my primary focus is on each partners individual relationship with God and how that spiritual relationship reaches into a person’s needs for security and significance.

“..if the foundation of Spirit Oneness is mutual dependence on the Lord for personal needs, then the foundation of Soul Oneness is a mutual commitment to minister to one another’s personal needs.”

Although my husband and I are not responsible to supply things to each other to make us feel significant or make us feel secure, we do have a responsibility to each other in helping one another by giving and ministering to each other the love of Christ.

A few years after my marriage and before this book came across my path the Lord spoke to me about who Eve was. He said to me “Eve was not created for the pleasure of Adam. She was not created to fill voids in Adams life. She was not created to be his servant. She was not created to change Adam or to help him in His relationship with God. Or make him a better man. She was created to be apart of Adam. To uplift Adam. To help him. To support him. To partner with him. To create with him. To walk with him all the days of his life.”

I could understand this only to a small degree. The Lord was showing me that as I women and a wife you are not your husband’s keeper and he is not yours. But for the first time ever I understood who I was as his wife. When we started reading this book I understood even more. That in order to be one with my husband I must minister to him as his wife. Not worship him, not even submit to him, but to minister to him. What would that look like?


My husband works in the world sometimes all day. There are times he comes home more spiritually exhausted than physically or mentally. As soon as I notice it I make sure I remind him of what our Father has told us. Where He is taking us and what the word says about un-godly people. I am ready at anytime ready to minister truth to my husbands weary heart.

Sometimes my husband struggles with insecurity. He has dreams that God has placed in his heart and he sometimes feels inadequate to do them or feels like he wants to give up. I am ready to sow love and encouragement in him. Reminding him that God is the author and finisher of our lives and that His will for him will come to pass in His timing. To keep the faith and know that it will be through Him that theses things are accomplished. I always want my husband to know how proud I am of him and how far he’s gotten. I point out how much he has already done and the progress he has already made, proof of God’s provision and will.

To be one with our spouses we must be ready to minister to them even when we are not happy with one another. This is by far the hardest part of soul oneness. When things are not going well it is easy to leave ministry and step into manipulation. All of a sudden when your feelings are crushed you withdraw and refuse to speak to your spouse until you get an apology. You withhold sex from him or her because your don’t like how they have been treating you recently,.You put them in the “dog house” and send them to the couch to sleep. You refuse to allow them back in your bed until they are ready to comply. You withhold telling the truth about your feelings afraid of being hurt and let down.

All of these things are manipulation tactics. But we don’t see them that way because the world has taught us it is normal, acceptable or okay. And while its okay once again to draw boundaries, we are not to use the law of boundaries to control or punish one another. God calls us to be of the Word and not of the World. He call us to love like Christ loves the Church and to respect and honor each other. Nothing against Paul but these two scriptures in Ephesians should go for both sexes and not just penned to the individual ones:

“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.”

 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”

One day while we were heading out to go shopping I was highly upset with my husband. To control my reactions I become very silent. I shut my mouth when I’m hurting because I am a feisty little women and my mouth gets me into trouble. As I was praying on the way to the mall asking God to heal my heart and forgive me, the Lord spoke to me when I asked Him what to do about the situation. He said “Love as Christ loves the Church” He said it to my 5 times. So I looked over at my husband and apologized and forgave him as well. I chucked what he did as far as the east was from the west and moved on. This is the art of ministry in our marriages that creates Soul Oneness.

The more you sow into Soul oneness with your spouse the more your hearts will change toward one another. You may be the only one doing the sowing but remember that every seed will come to life. But what seed are you sowing? The law of sowing in reaping is inevitable. So try to start habits of sowing through ministry and not manipulation. Of course there is SO much more in the book, so again I will put it down below. Share with other couples you know even if they aren’t struggling. We all need these truths in our marriages and it’s best to know them now than too late.

May God be with you, keep you and bless you.


The difference between Soul Oneness and Spirit Oneness in Marriage

At the age of 23 years old I walked down the aisle for the second time. For two and a half years I prepared myself to become a wife for the first time. In my last marriage I never got a chance to be a wife. I was too busy being the wife and the husband. I had to lead my marriage and our lives which was not the will of God. But my husband refused to have a relationship with God and lead our marriage. When your out of alignment in your marriage all heck breaks loose. Eventually came infidelity on my part and then divorce later.

I read so many marriage books, searched the Word of God, worked on my heart with the Lord and sought out advice from older married women. But talking to them only confused me more when I was hoping for wisdom. I picked up Joyce Meyers book on marriage and for months I cuddled up on my couch devouring and highlighting every sentence that I felt spoke to me. I was on a mission to preparing myself to becoming a wife by doing pre martial counseling, growing closer to God, and seeking wisdom. But even after all of that I still years later had no idea what I was doing and was afraid I had once again failed.

One day my husband and I met up for lunch on his lunch break. Our daughter loved any chance she got to see him randomly in the middle of the day. We got into an argument over something stupid and that led to harsh words and my heart breaking for the first time in our marriage. As I was driving home listening to Air1 radio a song came on reminding me that when God ordains something He has a will and plan for it. In His time and in His way He takes care of it. I began to weep. So loudly I am sure the people who were driving next to me could hear me through my rolled down window but I didn’t care. I felt like my whole world was falling apart. I said out loud through my choking tears “Lord I do not know what you’re going to do but I trust you know better than me. And you have a plan.” I was barely married and the year-long honeymoon phase passed so quickly. I was trying so hard to be a good wife and mother. But I felt utterly useless. I didn’t want to repeat the same mistakes.

close up of wedding rings on floor
Photo by Megapixelstock on

I knew that my now husband was my soul mate sent from God. After I surrendered fully to Him and letting Him become my focus I met my husband 6 months later at two months before my 21st birthday. But a year after we married, I had caught religion and I had forgotten who brought me to this marriage and who sent me to where I am. Because that’s what religion does. It traps you into forgetting the truth and you start accepting what is false about God. But in that moment, in my weakness, my will power failed me and I broke submitting myself to God seeking Him for truth. After asking ministers at the church I was attending to help us and counsel us only to be ignored and told no, I broke down and prayed again. I remember saying “Lord. You have given me the greatest counselor. If I cannot find anyone to counsel my husband and I will you please lead us to something that your Holy Spirit can counsel us in?” After all God knows our inner most thoughts and He created our hearts of Flesh.

Days later my husband comes home after his second job, walks straight into our room and loudly says “You need to get this book. It’s called The Marriage Builder. I was just listening to Focus on the Family on Star and they were talking about this book and I heard God tell me to get it!” I looked at him so surprised but instantly felt revelation spring forth in my heart. My husband had no idea I prayed that prayer but I knew that was God answering it through him. So the very next day I ordered two books offline and we began reading it as soon as it came. I want to share with you the one truth in that book that changed my marriage forever and made a huge difference in how we see each other today.

Spirit Oneness

Spirit oneness is normally confused with soul oneness. For a long time people, even me, have heard that we are one in the spirit with out spouses. But that is not so. We connect with our spouses in spiritual ways but we cannot be one in the spirit with them. Spiritual oneness is only for you and God. When you are one with God spiritually you understand that all of your needs are met by Him. You are loved and can love because He loves you. And no matter what your spouse does or how he or she is towards you, you can have peace and rest in the fact that God sees you and knows what you need. He can supply your every need, emotionally, physically and spiritually even when your spouse cannot.

Feeling alone in your marriage? God promises to be there for you even if it’s two in the morning. Feeling let down and overlooked by your spouse? God sees all that you do and is your biggest cheerleader. If you listen He will tell you how proud He is of you and give you that sense of achievement. Feeling lack of intimacy in your marriage? Intimacy with God is the greater than any you will ever get from your spouse. Intimacy is not sex. Sex is just a product of intimacy which I would love to share with you also in a later post.

The reason why I had to understand this important truth was because when my needs as a wife or a person in general were not being met I would go into a pit of despair, anxiety, depression, and even resent my husband. We would fight like cats and dogs because anger would rise up in me when I felt disrespected and I would lash out in vengeance. When the lack of intimacy in my marriage was in my face evident, I would get depressed and withdraw from my husband and even sometimes my friends. When my husband would not see the hard work I did in the home and would honestly sometimes be insensitive, I would have anxiety attacks and would sometimes even attack him.

But when I understood this truth of spirit oneness with God, every time I felt let down, overlooked or disrespected by my husband I would run to my daddy. Under His pinions I would  say “Father. My heart is hurting. Because Jim was so rude to me today. I reacted horribly though. Please heal my heart, help me forgive him, and help me to be a better wife.” Sometimes I would literally run right in the middle of an argument out of the room and into the safety of prayer. I ran to the nearest place I could be alone. On my porch in the summers, in my bathroom and bedroom in the winter and at night on the couch in my living room.

I sowed into my spiritual oneness with my Father by doing that. The more I did that the less I expected of my husband and the less I lashed out when I felt hurt. Now I truly could write a book about this very subject. That is why I had to break this up in two separate posts. Because on the other hand, we do have to understand what our boundaries and that is it just fine to defend those boundaries when our spouses are not respecting them. But both go hand in hand. We need to let go of high expectations of our spouses but also be able to stand up for ourselves correctly when hurt.

I would always tell my husband when he was being rude or not respecting my boundaries. But when I understood my husband’s lack of love and acceptance or attention does define if I am truly loved, accepted and seen, I was able to escape the trap of anxiety, depression and despair. And then I was able to forgive and move on truly never hoarding resentment towards him.

This helped my husband as well. But like me we are both still growing in this. We are always being met somewhere down the line with something we have to let go of and rely on God for. Or something in us that we need to change  so that we are ministering spouses and not manipulating ones. When you grow up in an abusive home like we both did, your sense of boundaries and identity is messed up or none existent. That was something we had to both come to understand as well.

Check out the book if you can. There is even more than what I wrote about. It truly is a blessing to us we are actually still reading through it 3 years later. Yeah…. each chapter forced some serious issues out of us both that we had to give time to mature in before we moved on! I will write about Soul oneness in the next post.